Human Resource Assistant (Internship) – KUALA LUMPUR

Job Highlights

  • Flexiblie working hours
  • Exposure to regional HR

Job Description

Job Description:

1. Perform end-to-end recruitment function.

2. Assist employees in handling entry procedures and entry arrangements.

3. Prepare employees’ daily attendance and leave records.

4. Understand domestic and foreign labor laws.

5. Prepare employee engagement and recreation activities.

6. Assist and provide day to day operational support or ad-hoc support for the administrative Department

Job Requirements:

1. Only applicate for students from Diploma/Bachelor’s Degree of Human Resources or


2. Good command of both English and Mandarin;

3. Internship period must be minimum of 3 months, 6 months and above preferred;

4. Able to work under pressure and meet submission deadlines with minimal advice.

APPLY AT :- https://myjobstreet.jobstreet.com.my/application/online-apply.php?AdvertisementSource=1&advertisement_id=5519788&fr=49&jobId=5522127&job_id=5522127&s=10&searchPath=%2Fjobs%3Fgclid%3DEAIaIQobChMI2KjnusamgQMVCKlmAh1VYALvEAAYASAAEgL6mfD_BwE%26pem%3Dgoogle%26tracking%3DSEM-MY-GGL-brandexact%26utm_campaign%3Dmy-c-ao-%255Bc%255D_jsmy_google_all_sem_brand_purebrand_eng_exact_ao-ra%26utm_content%3Dexact_jobstreet%26utm_medium%3Dcpc%26utm_source%3Dgoogle%26utm_term%3Djobstreet%2520malaysia&token=0~03f643f4-bf77-44c1-bd32-041fa5664526&trackData=%7B%22ApplySource%22%3A7%7D

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