Spritzer Bhd


You will be part of a team responsible for the development of the brands under Chuan Sin Sdn. Bhd. This will involve planning and implementing business strategies to strengthen our brand presences including extensive merchandizing and brand appearance in the market to achieve the company’s goal.

Key responsibilities include:

  • To manage distributor sales & distribution for key customers for selected channel.
  • Ensure distributor to list in full range of company products.
  • Develop sales according to target given within time frame.
  •  Travel within Malaysia & Oversea. if required.
  • Develop trust relationship with distributor of major clients to ensure the business growth.
  • Acquire of thorough understanding of key customers needs & requirements.
  • expand the relationship with existing customers and if any new customers by continuously proposing solutions that meet their objectives.
  • ensure the correct products and services delivered to customer in a timely manner.
  • serve as a link of communication between key customers & internal teams.
  • Resolve any issues and problem faced by customers and deal with complaints to maintain trust.
  • Play an integral part in generating new sales that will turn into long-lasting relationship.
  • Prepare regular reports of progress and forecasts to internals external stakeholders using key account metrics.

– Candidate must possess at least a Diploma in Sales, Marketing, 
Studies/Administration/Management, Marketing or equivalent.
– At least 1 year(s) of working experience in Key Account Management in FMCG industries.
– Advance in microsoft excel, words, power point, data analytic skill, sociable.
– Required language(s): Bahasa Malaysia, English & Mandarin
– Applicant’s must be willing to work in Shah Alam.
– Applicant must have obtained booster dose.

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